The oil painting “Spanish Boy” is dedicated to the memory of Federico Garcia Lorca (1898-1936), one of the most important Spanish poets and dramatists.
With this portrait of Lorca as a young boy I’d like to highlight the great value of a human life and individuality.
Every child born into this world looks hopefully into the future, no matter what nationality, race, gender, or religious views they represent, their human rights must be recognised as equal.
As an artist myself I’d like to raise awareness about the basic human rights of freedom of speech, artistic expression, and the freedom of consciousness universally. Today, at the beginning of the 21st century, these problems are as poignant as ever in many countries in the world. As a result, the idea of peace seems very fragile, if not idealistic. But I’ m a believer in the best capability of the human mind, and am convinced that by learning and remembering the lessons of the 20th century we can prevent history repeating itself.
Art, being one of the most peaceful ways to achieve a humanitarian goal, speaks an international language, which enables people around the globe to communicate. The powerful messages carried in works of art can help people of different cultures, religious views, gender and background to unify and finally reveal the best intentions of our hearts and minds. It is important to remember that every artist, just like any child, is born innocent and pure, and, like everybody else, has the right to a beautiful and fulfilling future.
I Jijina was born in St Petersburg, Russia. I studied at Ioganson Fine Art School at the Academy of Fine Arts, at Herzen State University and at St Petersburg State University, all in Russia. I am currently studying at Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London. She have shown work internationally in a number of solo and group exhibitions.