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Morals to a Little Boy by Paula Herrera (Chile)

Updated: Jun 3, 2020

This song is about peace and hope. Peace means facing hard times with patience and courage. Sometimes life is tough, but everything in life happens for a reason. This is what makes us grow and brings wisdom.

The song 'Morals to a Little Boy' is about a little boy, or “Negrito”, and his fears about life. In Chile, ”Negrito” is a popular and loving world which means “Little Boy” .

The first verse is about the earthquake and subsequent tsunami that took place in Chile in 2010. The lesson is that we need to be patient in order to have enough strength to get back on track.

The second idea refers to the times when we are in pain. In those times we need to have faith and inner peace to realise what hurts us. This experience will give us more strength, even if such experience is negative (i.e. in the end, all things happen for the best).

The third story is about the times when we don’t see a solution for our problems. The moral of this is that even when all is very dark, experiences, knowledge and being peaceful will show us the way to find a solution.

Paula Herrera is a singer-songwriter who graduated from "Escuela Moderna de Música" (Music School) and also studied acting in the Escuela de Teatro of Fernando González. She has been tirelessly pursuing her dreams for a few years now and through passion and hard work has been able to release four independent albums. No doubt, these have helped her shape her career.

After two initial albums in 2011, Paula embarked on a successful tour through Europe. Then released her third album “Verde y Celeste” (“Green and Light Blue”), a clean break into a unique style that could be described as “electronic folklore”. This is something that brought her much closer to her southern origins in the small town of Curicó.

In 2012 she presented us with her fourth production “La discreción del caracol” (“Discretion of the snail”), an album charged with modern folklore that shines from its “minimalist’ approach. “This time the challenge was to work from the concept of scarcity, with less elements. After graduating from music school I felt like I wanted to apply everything I had learned, do everything big… but time and more experience have taken me back to basics, to my true essence”, Paula says.

In 2013, Paula represented Chile and won the 1st prize, “Gaviota de Plata” (“Silver Seagull”) for best song (folklore category) in the prestigious Song Festival of Viña del Mar, with her song “Con el zapatito, con el zapatón” (“With a Little Shoe, With a Big Shoe”).

In 2014 Paula made a second tour around Europe, including Spain, France, Switzerland and Germany.

Today she continues her work of performing and promoting her music in concerts throughout Chile, and is preparing new material and songs for her new Album.


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