Old Bridge by Kaori Tommasoni (Japan)

For this competition, I have decided to create the work Old Bridge, showing calmness and a peaceful world to acknowledge that peace exists everywhere, even in difficult conditions. There is always peace around us. But so meantimes we destroy and ignore it without recognising its importance.

Old Bridge by Kaori Tommasoni

We have to resolve big problems that are occurring everywhere; together we have to keep peace. Peace erases fear, pain and conflict if we take care of each other. It’s a simple gesture, so let’s take each other’s hand and help all the people on earth. Then peace will make us live happily. We will not see war anymore. A peaceful life is in our hands if we are ready to help each other overcome conflict and disaster. Peace is important in human life and people tend to forget it. We need to open our arms to share the suffering and anxiety that is hidden inside us. This gesture will bring us a peaceful world, chasing away sadness. I have seen many wars and rebellions on TV, I think somebody should be able to end and resolve these conflicts. Why do they fight without achieving a better conclusion? They only cause death and destruction. 

Nobody cares which way is necessary to resolve problems peacefully. I believe that it is possible to come to an agreement with anyone before using arms. Nobody wants to lose peace but we sometimes lose an intelligent way to let it live. Peace depends on us If we think nothing of it, peace will never grow. Instead, if we take care of it, peace is always here.

People’s smiles are precious things that we do not forget whenever we are in difficulty. We have the time to maintain and respect peace forever and we have enough force to turn anger into love, which leads to peace.

Born in Tokyo. Kaori has been in Italy since 1999 with her family and continues self-taught painting. Among her ordinary tecnical material, pastel painting is the most her favorite one. She preferes to exercise acrilic for abstract and pastel for landscape. She participated in many art exhibitions in Italy both group and personal from prestigious galleries to local gallery. Her artworks are shown on catalogues every time she got appreciations from important curators and the art lovers.